Thursday, July 14, 2011

Business Concept of Islam

There are several things to consider in buying and selling so that it can carry on buying and selling patterns of healthy and fun. Therefore, it is not enough to know the legal sale and purchase without any knowledge of the concept of implementing such transactions. Actually, the authors offer the concept is not difficult but the concept is often encountered in the community. Only, in this case, the authors would like to introduce the concept of "pathway" in the sale and purchase transaction which refers to the Islamic Fiqh. This meant that the transaction is far from indecency, dirty and even detrimental.

Many of the sellers and buyers ignored the above concept but the concept is beginning to rise up and profitable. In addition, the concept is also a component in the concept of buying and selling in Islamic fiqh. If considered globally, these behaviors seem trivial indeed, but on the contrary, if properly addressed, it will be able to create a pattern of buying and selling a healthy, pleasant and even profitable. The concept is as follows:

a)    honest
The nature of truth is the nature of the Prophet. enviable. Prophet of doing business always puts honest nature. He always explains the true quality of goods sold and never cheated even play scales. So, practice honesty in buying and selling patterns because honesty can bring good luck. As explained in the Hadith;

Meaning: From Abdullah bin Harith. He complained to Judge bin Hazim ra. And he said that the Messenger of Allah said: "the seller and the buyer can do khiyar (choose) while not parted or till they split. If both have been agreed and clear then sell purchasing a blessing. And if they push each other and then removed blessings that lie on sale buy (do not get the blessings) ". (Narrated by Al-Bukhari)

b)    Amanah
Amanah is trustworthy. In the sale and purchase transactions, the nature of trust is necessary because the mandate then all will go smoothly. By the nature of trusteeship, the sellers and buyers will have no nature of mutual suspicion was not worried even though the goods in the hands of people. Starting a business is usually on the basis of trust. Therefore, trust is an important component in the purchase and sale transactions. As in the Koran;

Meaning: Allah commands you convey the message to those who deserve it, .. (Surat an-Nisa, 58)

Meaning: O ye who believe, do not betray Allah and the Messenger (Muhammad) and (also) do not betray the mandates entrusted to you, while you know. (Surat al-Anfal, 27)

c)    friendly
Many people are hard to behave friendly peer. Often surly when meeting someone or even choose to behave in a friendly sort. In fact, friendly is commendable trait which is recommended by Islam to anyone and to anyone. With friendly, so many people like, with friendly people will be happy. Because of their friendly nature is a form of application of one's humility. Generous, do not feel arrogant, wanted to honor and cherish is at the core of their friendly nature. Therefore, being ramahlah in buying or selling because it can make the customer happy, so comfortable, or even feel at ease when transacting. As the information in the Hadith;

Meaning: From Jabir Bin Abdullah, ra. Indeed the Messenger of Allah said: Allah will love someone who is generous when selling, buying and ask. (Narrated by Al-Bukhari)

d)    fair
Adil is the nature of God Almighty. And the Prophet is an example of the human figure is fair. With a fair, no one harmed. Being no distinction to all consumers is one of the impersonal nature of the application form. Therefore, for the sellers should be fair in trading, because it will affect the outcome wares. The consumer will feel comfortable because they feel nothing is exceeded and the deductible. As testimony in the Qur'an;

Meaning: .... And (told you) when the judge between mankind that you judge with justice. Allah is He who hears and sees all. Verily, Allah is Hearing, is to see. (Surat An-Nisa, 58)

e)    patient
Patience is the last position when it was tried and put their trust. In trading, the nature of patience is needed because it can bring good luck. For sellers should be patient to all buyers always bid attitudes and complaints. This was done so that the buyer is satisfied and happy if the transacting. Similarly, the purchaser, the nature of patience must be invested if you want to get a product that has a good quality plus low cost and not be fooled. As testimony in the Qur'an;

Meaning: If you get good, it grieves them, but if some misfortune overtakes you, they rejoice at it. if you are patient and cautious, their guile undoubtedly the least does not bring harm to you. Surely Allah knows all what they do. (Surah Ali Imran, 120)

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