Friday, July 22, 2011


Many people are willing and interested in becoming entrepreneurs, but few are successful make it happen. In this case, the main capital must possess is the willingness. The old saying 'Where there is a will there's no way' is always true. But the will must be supported other factors that would support an immediate success.
So, if you want to become entrepreneurs, trace the path to become the best businessman. Here are ten steps into the figure of a successful entrepreneur:
1. Start of dreams and imagination
Before the man could reach the moon, no one ever thought that it was a reality. The idea initially landed on the moon is a beautiful dream that will never materialize. But someone has to prove that the dream can be realized. Remember, all started from a dream plus confidence. If you intend to market a product, not just intentions continue, be assured the products will you offer. Only a dreamer who is able to create and make a breakthrough in the product, the way of service, service, or idea of ​​who can be successful. They do not recognize boundaries and kerterikatan, do not recognize the word 'can not' or 'not possible'.
2. Love the product or service offered
A love of the product will give an assurance to your customers and make the hard work feels light. It makes you able to get through tough times. Every initial effort is always a lot of obstacles or difficulties that insistent insistently, the love of your product will make you work hard with pleasure.
3. Enthusiasm and tenacity
Enthusiasm and tenacity as a sign of love and your belief will be the backbone of the success of a new business. Lazy attitude and reluctantly will only get you left behind.
4. Learn the basics of business
Knowledge is the key to success. There will be no success without a knowledge. The basis of good business is to learn while working. Working with others before you become a businessman will help you absorb the experience and ready to succeed. You can also find a good teacher for your development.
5. Dare to take risks
This is a key early in the entrepreneurial world, because the results might be achieved will be proportional to the risk taken. A well-calculated risks that will give more chance of success.
6. Seek input and advice without neglecting the heart
Entrepreneurs are always looking for advice, suggestions and criticism from various parties, but the final decision is always his hand and can be decided by 'the sixth sense'.
7. Do a good communication with
In the initial phase of a business, selling is a key success skill. And the ability to understand and master the relationship with customers will help develop the business on that phase.
8. toil
True entrepreneurs never be separated from the hard work. During sleep the brain works and thought it would be a good business opportunity. In everyday life, they are tireless and despair.
9. to relate
one else is capable of running businesses themselves. The role of friends, colleagues, partners, and clients greatly influenced the development of a business. They will give input, critique, and help in difficult times. Then a businessman sued jaunty to establish business relationships to its fullest.
10. Risk failure
Failure is the beginning of success and strengthen your intuition and your ability in entrepreneurship, as long as that failure is not 'deadly'. Every effort is always at risk of failure and when until it happens, be prepared and brace yourself to get up again!
One more thing you should not forget that, do not be slacking off. If you're ready, do it now! The longer you delay the more you will lose the opportunity and chance for success.

Successful greetings

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Business Ethics in Islamic Perspective

Business is one of many ways to meet human needs. Allah SWT has given direction to the servant - him to do business. In Islam there are rules and ethics of doing business. We have already given examples of the real by the Prophet SAW.bagaimana way he does business with to trade. In fact it had done from childhood when asked his uncle Abu Talib to trade to Sham. And wherein when a wealthy merchant woman namely Siti Khadijah ra trust him to sell his wares to the market then, the Prophet even carry it out with honesty and sincerity.

In the view of Islam there are rules or ethics that should be owned by everyone who wants to do business especially as he is a believer. A believer in business not to take action - actions that contravene the Law. Messenger SAW.banyak provide clues about business ethics, among which are:

First, that the essential principle in business is honesty. In Islamic doctrine, honesty is a fundamental requirement in business activities. Messenger is very intense advocate honesty in business activity. In this level, he said: "It is not justified to sell a single sale of a Muslim who has the disgrace, unless she explains her shame" (Reported by al-Quzwani).

Secondly, in Islam it is not just chasing profits (profit oriented) but also must consider the attitude ta'awun (please - help) among us as the social implications of business.

Third, do not make a false oath. Prophet Muhammad is very intense prohibit the business conduct of perjury in conducting business transactions. In a history Bukhari hadith, the Prophet said, "By making a false oath, the goods are sold, but the result is not a blessing". In a hadith narrated by Abu Dhar, Prophet threatened with a painful punishment to those who perjure themselves in business, and God will not be him also later on the Day of Judgement (Muslim).

Fourth, the business is done voluntarily, without coercion. Word of God, "O ye who believe, do not eat each other neighbor's property by way of a false, except by way of business that apply to consensual among you" (Surah 4: 29).

Fifth, that the business is carried net of elements of usury. Word of God, "O ye who believe, leave remnants of usury, if ye have faith (Surah al-Baqarah: 278) and many more ethics or business guidance in Islam. All of the above must be true - really done so that what we do have his blessing.

In addition we relate to other human beings (hablum minannas) we also have a relationship with the Creator (hablum minallah), so that in every action we feel someone is watching that is Allah. This belief must be an integral part of every Muslim in the business. This is because in Islam is not merely a business - the orientation of the eyes of the world but must have a clear vision of the afterlife. With a framework like that then the issue of business ethics in the spotlight important in Islamic economics. In Islamic economics, business and ethics should not be viewed as two opposing causes, a business which is a symbol of worldly affairs is also regarded as an integral part of the things that are investment hereafter. That is, if the business and investment efforts oreientasi Hereafter (intended as a totality of worship and obedience to Allah), then the business itself must be in line with moral rules based on belief in the afterlife. Even in Islam, understanding the business itself is not restricted world affairs, but also includes all our activities in the world that dibisniskan (intended as worship) for profit or reward hereafter.

If if the Muslims know and understand what it must exist in the private pembisnis accordance with existing Dustur (Al-Quran and Al-Hadith), then it will undoubtedly create a harmonious atmosphere and will knit ukhuwwah Islamiyah among us. And unto Him all matters are returned. Illaahi Anta wa yaa maqshudi ridhooka mathlubi. Wallahua'lam.
Baca secara fonetik

Friday, July 15, 2011


In an entrepreneurial seminar terbeber fact, how many people want to stop being an employee, and then began to open his own business. There are already ready with the capital plus an unfocused planning. There's a new Armed with ideas alone. But there is also a lot of money, but are confused about diapain. There are still a lot of blank (confused). Do not know how and where to start.
Many entrepreneurs are successful because shrewdness in starting and expanding businesses. Here are 14 secrets that they generally wear. But there is no guarantee you will succeed in the following ways. Even so, now you have many alternatives. You can steal inspiration from each way.

1. Meet Consumer Needs

This is a way to open the business the most common. If your office requires a catering service, open a catering business. If residents around the house you need laundry services, telephone kiosk, cafe, computer rental, courses, etc., open businesses according to their needs earlier. The key, identify the needs of consumers. Then fill it with price, product quality and better service. Business based on real consumer needs is the principle of all types of businesses.
2. Sell ​​uniqueness
If you are pretty creative and innovative, certainly a lot of new things that work you kreasikan. Many new businesses started from the invention of products, technologies, systems, and new programs. If it succeeded in creating a new computer program for example, do not hesitate to patent and sell. The new discovery - much less distinctive and unique - very likely to penetrate the market.

3. Duplication Other Business
For those who feel themselves less creative and innovative, not broke. Sometimes business ideas are scattered everywhere. Even in front of the eye. You only need to read the opportunities, measure the potential, and dare to take risks. For example in front of the campus A copy of the best-selling business. What's wrong with rival it in the same place? You simply copying the venture, plus give a little more value (price, service, speed, friendliness). Be ready to compete!

4. Give Additional Facilities
Similar to the previous one and needs a little touch of creativity. For example your neighbor's open leasing Play Station. You can still keep up with additional facilities or expand offerings (bars, cafes, kiosks, fast food, etc.) in the same location. Almost every time there is any kind of business are more trendy. Few additional facilities, you are ready to compete with the much older then.

5. selling Skills
Observant people recognize talent? That was the beginning of a challenging business. Many talented people who - if developed and given a place - could be sold more expensive. Places such as restaurants, shops, salons, courses, services, markets, malls, is a storehouse of talented people. Take 2-3 of talented barber-salom salom small. Rent a nice place, complete with tools, give a specific brand, and injecting with a perfect service system. You also have an exclusive barber business.

6. So Agent
Similar to before, you can open the agency office or agency that provides services or specific services. For example a modeling agency, photo model, a talented singer, head hunter, filler entertainment, dating, baby sister, etc.. For this business, you need experience and relationships. But you can handle alone or employ talented people in it.

7. Second Sale of Goods
Still a bit sensitive to this effort. Second goods with a certain historical value can have a high price. You can hunt for the original branded goods which are no longer in use. You can sell it elsewhere and at a reduced price. Many expatriates, celebrities, businessmen, until the generals who had expensive tastes in clothes and beraksesoris country. You will not be shortage of goods.
Read phonetically

8. Open Office
Such as your background professions such as doctors, accountants, lawyers, notaries, designers, trainers, or consultants. If now is still a 'worker' in the company of people, prepare to pioneer open his own office. Lack of capital and human resources? Invite a colleague or friend for the venture capital profession. Sell ​​your
skills and experience. If a good reputation, relationships a lot, do not worry lack of clients.