Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Cooperative Principles

Cooperatives are the things that concerns the life of Cooperatives.
The cooperative movement is the overall organization of Cooperatives and cooperative activities
that are integrated towards achieving a common goal Cooperative. Cooperatives in
Indonesia is regulated by Law No. 25 of 1992, which is based
Pancasila and 1945 Constitution, and aims to promote the welfare of members of the
particular and society in general as well as help build order
national economy in order to realize an advanced society, fair, and
prosperous (, 2001)

Principles or basic joints according to the Law of Cooperatives. 12 in 1967,
is as follows.

a. The nature of voluntary membership and is open to every citizen of Indonesia
b. Meeting of members is the highest authority as a reflection of democracy in cooperatives

c. SHU division (of net income) is set according to each service member
d. The existence of restrictions on interest on capital

e. Develop the welfare of society in particular and society in general

f. Business and grammatical implementation is open

g. Self-supporting, and self-sufficiency as a reflection of the basic principles of believing in yourself

According to Law no. 25 of 1992, the principles of cooperatives are as follows:

The cooperative principles are:
a. Membership is voluntary and open.

b. Management conducted democratically.

c. Distribution of net income be fairly proportional to the magnitude
business services each member.

d. Provision of fringe benefits is not related to the amount of capital contributions.

e. autonomy

f. cooperative education

g. Cooperation among cooperatives

 That's Principles of Cooperation

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