Friday, June 17, 2011

Cooperative issues

To survive in this era of globalization certainly cooperative must introspection on the condition that existed at him.
It is inevitable that only by
know the identity of cooperatives is true then the possibility of competing with the agency
other businesses will open. It is clear that in terms of organizational form, then
cooperative organization is a SHO (self-help organizations).

The point of cooperatives is an autonomous business entity. The problem is the cooperative autonomy so far a big question mark. Because so much government assistance to make their cooperative autonomy difficult to materialize. in the plains
Cooperative conceptual autonomy also implies that the co-operative enterprises should be separated from government agencies, meaning that the cooperative organization is not an institution that views of its function is to direct the administration tool of the government, which realize the objectives that have been decided and set by the government (Rozi and Hendri, 1997).

The issue of quality human resources in a variety of devices organisiasi cooperative becomes a problem that stands out and gets the spotlight. Subyakto (1996) has the view that, in a very fundamental constraint in the empowerment
cooperatives and small businesses is the issue of human resources. Managers and employees together, or replace each other-be perpetrators of active organizations, and became the front line staff in serving the members.

Replace each such circumstances, a lot happens in cooperative management practices in Indonesia. Performance of front line staff to have an impact on the satisfaction of the parties who were involved in the development of cooperatives, among others, were members as owners and beneficiaries, the government as a builder and party business partners who act as suppliers, distributors, producers, funders and others.

Hopefully Helpful

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