Friday, June 24, 2011

In addition alms Assets

Charity or "shodaqoh" is usually identical to giving money to people who are entitled. found in Islam is not just giving money alone is called charity. but many deeds of charity category. because alms own understanding of a general nature shall include alms and Sunnah as infaq (read: Differences between infaq and shodaqoh).

Because the notion of a general nature charity. many deeds-deeds are called Sunnah that it is also charity. among others, glorify (praise God's name), Takbir (saying Allahu Akbar), tahmid (say thank God), tahlil (say laa ilaha illallah), ordered to virtue, and forbid the munkar also called charity. relate even between husband and wife also called charity.

This is similar to what happens in the following hadith:

عن أبي ذر أن ناسا من أصحاب النبي صلى صلى الله عليه و سلم يا رسول الله ذهب أهل الدثور بالأجور يصلون كما نصلي ويصومون كما نصوم ويتصدقون بفضول أموالهم.

قال : أو ليس قد جعل الله لكم ما تصدقون ؟ إن بكل تسبيحة صدقة وكل تكبيرة صدقة وكل تحميدة صدقة وكل تهليلة صدقة وأمر بالمعروف صدقة ونهي عن منكر صدقة وفي بضع أحدكم صدقة قالوا يا رسول الله أياتي أحدنا شهوته ويكون له فيها أجر ؟ قال أرأيتم الله عليه و سلم قالوا للنبيلو وضعها في حرام أكان عليه فيها وزر ؟ فكذلك إذا وضعها في الحلال كان له أجرا

It means: "From Abu Dhar (say): that some people from the Companions of the Prophet-sholallahu 'alayhi wasallam, complained to the Prophet-sholallahu' alayhi wasallam,: O Muhammad, that rich people have been left with many rewards. They pray as we pray, they fast as we fast, and they bersedakah with an excess of their property.

He said: Is God not made ​​for you guys to charity? indeed in every rosary is charity. and every Takbir alms, and every tahmid alms, and every tahlil alms, alms ordered to virtue, it is unjust banning of alms. even at budz'i (marital relationship) you is charity.

They said: O Muhammad, how one of us came sahwatnya then he be rewarded?

He said: What do you think, if he put it on an unclean if he sinned? so too if he put in a lawful, then he got the reward. "(Muslim)

Although the actual relationship of husband and wife include routine or normal activities a husband and wife, but with the intention that these activities aim to carry out the commands of God which is "gaulilah ma'ruf them with something," or take care of myself and wife than do other in place, or expect from the results that a pious child, then it includes charity. and it is worship.

So also with deeds-deeds that other permissible intended for worship. 

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Cooperative entrepreneurship

By definition an entrepreneur including cooperative entrepreneur is one who has the ability to see and assess business opportunities, gather resources needed to take advantage of it and take appropriate action to ensure success (Meredith, et al, 1984).

Entrepreneurs are people who have a cooperative attitude positive mental action-oriented and have high motivation in taking risks when pursuing its goals. But they are also people who are careful and calculating in making decisions about something that is going to do, every decision is not based on the method of trial and error, but learn each business opportunity to gather valuable information for decisions would be made.

Furthermore, according to Meredith (1984) entrepreneurs (including entrepreneurial cooperatives) have a different character traits and the individual most.
And character traits are explained as follows:

a. Having a strong belief in yourself.

b. Task-oriented and driven by kehutuhan bacilli to herprestasi, profit-oriented, have the perseverance and fortitude, determination mempunyni hard work, and have the energy initiative.

c. Having the ability to take risks and take decisions quickly and accurately.

d. Has the soul of leadership, sociable and like to respond to suggestions and criticism.

e. Think innovative, creative and diligent.

f. Oriented toward the future.

Entrepreneurial society is a positive mental attitude in a cooperative effort to take innovative initiatives and the courage to take risks and adhere to the principles of cooperative identity in creating fulfill real needs and increase mutual prosperity (Hendar and Kusnadi, 1999). And the definitions contained several elements that should be noted as described below.

Entrepreneurial society is a positive mental attitude in a co-operative effort. This means that entrepreneurial society (those who perform entrepreneurial society) should have the desire to develop co-operative organization, be it cooperative efforts and the efforts of its members. Efforts should be cooperative in the sense that every activity should be concerned with the needs of cooperative efforts of its members.

The main task of cooperative entrepreneurship is taking innovative initiatives, it means trying to search, discover and exploit the opportunities that exist for the sake of common interests (Drucker, 1988). Innovative acts not only done when starting a business but also at the business running, even when the cooperative effort was in decline. At the time of starting a business so that cooperatives can grow quickly and produce. Then when the cooperative efforts to walk, so the cooperative can retain at least the existence of cooperative effort that has been running smoothly. About the lehih important is an innovative action at the cooperative effort was in decline (stagnation). At the time necessary for cooperative entrepreneurial cooperatives are at a new life cycle.

Entrepreneurial cooperative must have the courage to take risks. Because the world is full of uncertainty, so things are expected sometimes does not match the reality on the ground. Therefore, in Such a situation required an entrepreneur who has the ability to take risks. Of course, risk-taking is done with careful calculations.

In the co-operative risks posed by the uncertainties slightly reduced by a more business orientation in the internal market. Internal market allows any business to be a burden because of the cooperative and its members are cooperatives owned by members. Therefore it is logically impossible to harm members of the cooperative. Even if there is a loss in operations, then the risk will be borne jointly, so the risk per member to be relatively small.

But if the orientation of the cooperative efforts more to external markets such as the KUD (Village Cooperative Unit), then the risks posed by the uncertainty will have equal weight with the risks faced by its competitors. In these conditions the task of cooperative entrepreneurship is more severe than many entrepreneurs cooperative lehih orilentasinya in the internal market.

Entrepreneurial activities of the cooperative must hold fast to the principles of cooperative identity, namely as a member of the owner and, as well as customers. Members' interests should be paramount so that members will participate actively to the cooperative. Therefore entrepreneurs in charge of cooperatives improve services by providing various needs of its members.

The main purpose of each cooperative entrepreneurship are the real needs of cooperative members and improve the common welfare. The task of a cooperative entrepreneurship actually quite heavy because many interested parties in cooperative environments, such as members, cooperative enterprise, employees, surrounding communities, and others. A cooperative entrepreneurship are sometimes faced with the problem of conflict of interest between each party. If he is more concerned with cooperative efforts, he automatically should be oriented in the external market and this means reducing the value of services to members. Conversely, if the orientation in the internal market by giving priority to the interests of members, then the victim is cooperative growth.

Entrepreneurship in a cooperative can be done by the members, managers, bureaucrats who play a role in the development of cooperatives and the catalyst, ie people who care about the development of cooperatives. The four types of cooperative entrepreneurship is certainly has the freedom of action and different incentives which in turn determines the level of effectiveness are different also.

So hopefully useful

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Cooperative management

Cooperative is an institution that must be managed as appropriate business institutions. In a business organization needed an effective and efficient management are known to management. Likewise in cooperative enterprises, management is a right that must exist for the realization of expected goals.

Prof. Ewell Paul Roy said that the cooperative management involves four (4) elements, namely: members, administrators, managers, and employees.
A manager should be able to create conditions that encourage employees to maintain high productivity. Employee is a liaison between management and members of the customer (Hendrojogi, 1997).

According Suharsono Sagir, management systems in cooperative institutions should lead to participatory management in which there is togetherness, openness, so that every member of every member of both participating in the management
(stewardship of business) or the outside of stewardship (ordinary members), has a sense of shared responsibility in the organization of cooperatives (Anoraga and Widiyanti, 1992).

A.H. Gophar said that cooperative management can essentially be reviewed and the three perspectives, namely the organization, processes, and styles (Hendar and Kusnadi, 1999).

From the standpoint of organization, management and cooperative in principle formed three elements: the members, trustees, and employees. Distinguishable structure or fittings onganisasi seemingly is the same: Meeting of Members, Managers, and Supervisors. To that end, should be distinguished between the functions of the organization with management functions. Elements of Supervisors as well as on the equipment cooperative organizations, is essentially an extension of the hand and the members, to assist the Board in conducting day-to-day control functions on the course of the organization and cooperative efforts. The success of cooperatives depends on the cooperation of the three elements of the organization in developing organizational and cooperative efforts, which can provide the best possible service to members.

And process standpoint, cooperative management prefers democracy in decision making. The term one man one vote (one man one vote) is ingrained in the organization of cooperatives. Therefore, cooperative management is often considered less efficient, less effective, and very expensive.

Finally, review and viewpoint of management style (management style), cooperatives adopt a participative style of management (management participation), in which the position was placed as a subject and a member of management who are active in
controlling the management company.

Sitio and Tamba (2001) state agency cooperative efforts in Indonesia have co-operative management is traced based on the organization of cooperatives, namely: Meetings of members, managers, supervisors, and managers.

It has been described previously that, character cooperative management style is participative management. The general pattern of cooperative participatory manalemen describes the interaction between elements of cooperative management. There is a division of tasks (job description) on each element. Similarly, each element has a scope of management decisions (decision areas) are different, although there is still scope of decisions made ​​jointly (shared decision areas)

The scope of the decision of each element of cooperative management is as follows (Sitio and Tamba, 2001):

a. Meeting of Members is the holder of supreme power in setting public policy in the areas of organization, management, and cooperative efforts. That is very strategic policy is formulated and set on a forum Meeting of Members. Generally, the Meeting of Members held once a year.

b. Elected and dismissed by the Board member meeting. Thus, the Board may dikatakart as holder of power of the Meeting of Members in operationalising the strategic policies set forth Meeting of Members. Penguruslah which embodies the strategic policy direction concerning the organization or business.

c. Supervisors representing the member to perform oversight over the implementation of the policies implemented by the Manager. Supervising dipilth and stopped by the Meeting of Members. OIeh reason, the organizational structure of cooperatives, Supervisor and Manager positions are the same.

d. Manager is a management team that was appointed and dismissed by the manager, to carry out technical operations in the business. Manager relations efforts (managing director) with the cooperative's manager is a working relationship on the basis of the alliance in the form of agreement or contract of employment.


Management's Cooperative

Friday, June 17, 2011

Cooperative issues

To survive in this era of globalization certainly cooperative must introspection on the condition that existed at him.
It is inevitable that only by
know the identity of cooperatives is true then the possibility of competing with the agency
other businesses will open. It is clear that in terms of organizational form, then
cooperative organization is a SHO (self-help organizations).

The point of cooperatives is an autonomous business entity. The problem is the cooperative autonomy so far a big question mark. Because so much government assistance to make their cooperative autonomy difficult to materialize. in the plains
Cooperative conceptual autonomy also implies that the co-operative enterprises should be separated from government agencies, meaning that the cooperative organization is not an institution that views of its function is to direct the administration tool of the government, which realize the objectives that have been decided and set by the government (Rozi and Hendri, 1997).

The issue of quality human resources in a variety of devices organisiasi cooperative becomes a problem that stands out and gets the spotlight. Subyakto (1996) has the view that, in a very fundamental constraint in the empowerment
cooperatives and small businesses is the issue of human resources. Managers and employees together, or replace each other-be perpetrators of active organizations, and became the front line staff in serving the members.

Replace each such circumstances, a lot happens in cooperative management practices in Indonesia. Performance of front line staff to have an impact on the satisfaction of the parties who were involved in the development of cooperatives, among others, were members as owners and beneficiaries, the government as a builder and party business partners who act as suppliers, distributors, producers, funders and others.

Hopefully Helpful