Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Building trust and honesty

First, Distribute all our thoughts, our feelings and especially welding an-excuse us for others. By sharing this, people will be able to understand the basis of our behavior, they do not need to guess so wrong to us, if we are angry, explain what the basis of our anger is and why we decided to be angry to concerned.

Second, careful to make a commitment, make just that which we can meet, many leaders of this nation is now losing the trust of their constituents just because unable to fulfill their commitments. Their promises so easily, especially when the goal to win the election. In my observations of children who have lost trust in their parents often begin because parents often promises that eventually they could not fulfill.

Third, Admit our mistakes. we still remember how Bill Clinton from impeachment Salamat after admitting his lies and deeds Menica tercelanya with Lewinsky? Bahakan he was able to win again in presidential elections for the second time. Ordinary Luara sebua influence of apology and recognition. People are more easily membirikan sympathy to the people who recognizes his mistake than to those who try to avoid it.

Fourth. Ask for and receive feedback, criticism and suggestions Make as valuable input. Who the hell are like the criticism? But if we want more jau see, is not feedback from others show no attention to us? Would not the feedback can be a mirror for us?

Fifth. Test our assumptions. Do not be too quick to conclude anything. What we see is not always the truth. We should always try to look at from the viewpoint of others and check the truth before saying or doing something. The words of tips is something difficult to pull back.

In addition to priesthood in the habits and behaviors that appear above, we must also trap the belief that sometimes arise in the process interaktsi with others. Some of the pitfalls that often plunges the trust include: breaking a promise, blaming others, "smoothie", spread gosib, cover up and make a valid assumption.

So hopefully useful

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