Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Building trust and honesty

First, Distribute all our thoughts, our feelings and especially welding an-excuse us for others. By sharing this, people will be able to understand the basis of our behavior, they do not need to guess so wrong to us, if we are angry, explain what the basis of our anger is and why we decided to be angry to concerned.

Second, careful to make a commitment, make just that which we can meet, many leaders of this nation is now losing the trust of their constituents just because unable to fulfill their commitments. Their promises so easily, especially when the goal to win the election. In my observations of children who have lost trust in their parents often begin because parents often promises that eventually they could not fulfill.

Third, Admit our mistakes. we still remember how Bill Clinton from impeachment Salamat after admitting his lies and deeds Menica tercelanya with Lewinsky? Bahakan he was able to win again in presidential elections for the second time. Ordinary Luara sebua influence of apology and recognition. People are more easily membirikan sympathy to the people who recognizes his mistake than to those who try to avoid it.

Fourth. Ask for and receive feedback, criticism and suggestions Make as valuable input. Who the hell are like the criticism? But if we want more jau see, is not feedback from others show no attention to us? Would not the feedback can be a mirror for us?

Fifth. Test our assumptions. Do not be too quick to conclude anything. What we see is not always the truth. We should always try to look at from the viewpoint of others and check the truth before saying or doing something. The words of tips is something difficult to pull back.

In addition to priesthood in the habits and behaviors that appear above, we must also trap the belief that sometimes arise in the process interaktsi with others. Some of the pitfalls that often plunges the trust include: breaking a promise, blaming others, "smoothie", spread gosib, cover up and make a valid assumption.

So hopefully useful

Friday, May 6, 2011

The initial steps to start an independent business


Independent business became one of the best alternative to get the current source of income. The realization that life can not hang from work, making business more excited stretching.

Unfortunately there are still many people who start businesses with less precise way. Such as lack of foresight or accuracy. and consequently can hurt yourself.

Here I have some tips for starting a business that I took from several sources:

1 - Observations and deepening of business

Before starting a business. You must first examine the ins and outs of business?, Pros and cons of business you run?, Where you will get the raw materials?, How it is produced so efficiently?, Who prospective customers? Where you will market and sale of their products? How patterns of marketing and sales?

2 - Perform the test with a test market joba

The benefits of market trials to get back wages to prospective customers about the products on offer, for example, you make a cake, before the sale, try to provide free in limited numbers to neighbors and neighborhood. Ask their opinion about the product you make. Enakka? Shellfish menarikkah less sweet or shape? Make keritikan valuable input and suggestions as to when ready to launch your product-correct Bena quality.

3 - Develop a business plan

Planning can study covers among others the production process, product names product packaging in select distribution channels, additional capital, people - people who will be invited to work together, either as investors, employees, and suppliers of products.

4 - Segerah start

When you are 100% sure you immediately start susaha. to start a business as soon as you can get a valuable lesson untu used to systematically improve the business

5 - Confront and overcome obstacles

No one has succeeded without a hitch (failure) in the course of its business. You have to think positive, that whatever happens must be the best for you. barriers and failures are valuable lessons for future planning and strategy is more mature. Every business is always risky and Dila that happens to deal with a head cold

Hopefully Helpful

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Independent Business



The effort was kegiaan with mengehrahkan power, piliran or body to achieve a purpose. Jobs (deeds, peakarsa, ihtiar, effort) to achieve something

Independent: it can bernakna malakukan planning a good life, responsibility to be aware of the risks to do something and without the intervention of others. Independent also means knowing and understanding what is right and wrong, so it can determine the attitude with thought and knowledge based sendir, without spiced or in pengarui others. Mandiri's core is not easily ask for mercy on others.
Founded the "Independent Business" is not an easy thing. those who fail to establish an independent business a lot more when compared to successful people. The most important factor in the start is the knowledge, experience and network and accompanied by prayer.

knowledge of the business is very important. for example if someone opened a small business. if not considered carefully on capital, expenses, income, tranport etc., then it could have been a large peg of the pole. business could be destroyed immediately. however, different if the person has knowledge that qualified. that even small businesses can grow into a large independent business.

Experience factor was very important in trying to build an independent business. because according to the saying, experience is a valuable teacher. experience of this effort can be obtained by trying to start a business. do not be afraid of failure, because failure that we experience a sweet fruit can be a valuable experience.
so that we can avoid the causes of the failure at a later date.

Business or business network is pengting anyway. as we all know, humans are social creatures. mean to each other need each other. by having a good business network and wide, it is expected that we could build an independent business.

Prayer is also important in menirikan business dross. As where we know, humans are creatures who will not be breathing can do nothing without the help of god. Many prospective entrepreneurs who fail in building his business. maybe they failed because of lack of praying. With hope we prayed for help and guidance of god.

effort that began today could become a business empire in the future. do not be afraid of failure. because a failure will give us an experience. no successful people in this world that never fails.

good luck.